SteppIR Simulation 10m
SteppIR Simulation
SteppIR element length in [inch]. Frequency in [MHz]. Values read out from controller.
BAND DIR DVR REF Position FREQ 10m 178,3 187 191,2 0° 28,5 10m 194,6 185,6 177,4  180° 28,5 10m 180,7 188,6 180,9 bidir 28,5
Azimuth / Elevation Plot
Elevation Plot over 9m ground
Elevation Plot Comparision / Antenna @9m, @20m and @30m over ground
Gewinn 6,56 dBD Front/Back 10,62 db
This page shows the EZNEC simulation results of a 3 Element SteppIR with the optional 6m passive element. Simulation done with fiberglas insulation. Ground type was standard Mininec.
Standard Mode (0°)
Azimuth / Elevation Plot
Elevation Plot over 9m ground
Gewinn 6,76 dBD Front/Back 11,46 db
Reversed Mode (180°)
Azimuth / Elevation Plot
Elevation Plot over 9m ground
Gewinn 4,23 dBD Front/Back 1,7 db
Bidirectional Mode